

Target: Expand the company into Turkish market. About : Superloading is a czech file sharing and downloading server. Services: Review of the current competition and laws related to file sharing in Turkey. Hiring part time employees in...
GM Project

GM Project

Cíl:  Najít tureckého partnera O klientovi: GMProject je česká strojírenská společnost založená v roce 1994 a specializující se na léčiva a biotechnologii. V Opavě sídlící společnost se snažila rozšířit své služby do Turecka. Vytvořili jsme studii proveditelnosti a...
United Assistance

United Assistance

Target: To establish the company in Turkey. About :  United Assistance  is a Czech company established in 2001  and specialized on providing road assistance services to banks, insurance companies and to retailers. Business Development: Establishing the official...


Target: To increase the sales performance of the Turkish operation Updating the marketing materials in Turkish. Finding new partners from the shopping malls in Turkey. About : M2C is a Czech company founded in 1992 operating in 7 European countries including Turkey...


Target: Market overview of smart road technologies in Turkey and identifying distributors / partners for Turkish market. About : CAMEA spol. s r.o. is developing and manufacturing modern image and signal processing systems for industrial use, traffic monitoring and...